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M-HAS has been rebranded to IOMA Renewable Intelligence. Click link below to discover more.

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Turner Iceni monitors approximately 400 wind turbines and hydro generators of varying size and type across the UK.  Faults and deterioration are being detected weekly and catastrophic failures continually avoided. Depending on the component and type of fault, the cost savings resulting from installing M-HAS can exceed hundreds of thousands of pounds in downtime and repair costs.  Below are just a few examples of different faults that M-HAS has detected.

Case Studies

Gearbox Wear

Customer: UK Customer

Sensors used: Vibration, oil particulate monitoring

Location: Hull, England

Savings: £120k


Oil monitoring gave an early indication of wear in gearbox.

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Cracked Bedplate

Customer: UK Customer

Sensors used: Accelerometers

Location: Scotland, UK

Savings: £120k


Bedplate crack detected through increased bedplate and shaft vibration

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Coupling failure

Customer: UK Customer

Sensors used: Vibration

Location: West Yorkshire, England

Savings: £30k - £50k


A rapid increase in vibration accelerometers indicated a fault on the flexible coupling.

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Loose Gearbox Arms

Customer: UK Customer

Sensors used: Vibration

Location: Devon, Yorkshire

Savings: £1.5k - £2k


Worn hole in Gearbox reaction arm. Perished gearbox reaction arm bushing

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